Building Stronger Relationships

In general, Shibari has the potential to significantly enhance the connection between partners. By promoting honest dialogue, embracing vulnerability, nurturing intimacy, and practicing empathy, couples can forge deeper bonds and gain a richer insight into each other's lives.
building stronger relationships in Shibari

Communication, Honesty, and Trust

We discuss the importance of communication, honesty, and trust within the realm of Shibari and how you can use them to ensure a positive experience.
communication, honesty, and trust in shibari

Introducing Shibari to Your Partner

This is a big one! Telling your partner about your desire to explore Shibari can be a scary undertaking. We created a short guide that will help you navigate these waters smoothly.
introducing shibari to your partner

Understanding Your Partner

There is more to Shibari than just knots. Shibari is about creating a deep EMOTIONAL connection with your partner. In order to make that happen, understanding their expectations and desires is key.
Understanding your partner in shibari

Considerations for Being Tied

If you are the person being tied, there are several important things you must take into account to ensure your safety and enjoyment of the session. Learn how to prepare yourself and get the most out of your Shibari experience.
considerations for being tied in shibari

Considerations for Tying

If you are the person tying, the most important thing you must keep in mind is the safety of your partner. While Shibari can be a lot of fun, there is always a risk. Learn how to be prepared and avoid potential injury.
considerations for tying in shibari


A Shibari session is not over until the person being tied is completely untied. Shibari can be an intense emotional experience and people react differently to such intensity. We offer a few ideas you can use to care for your and your partner's emotional well-being.
aftercare in shibari

The Room

Setting the stage for your Shibari session involves spending some time thinking about the room it will take place in. Think about temperature, decoration, lighting, and more.
the room in shibari


Tactile feedback is the essence of Shibari. That said, there is more to it than just the feeling of ropes against skin...
touch in shibari


Visual stimuli helps set the stage and get you in the mood for a Shibari session. We go over a few pointers on what to think about regarding the visual aspect of a Shibari session.
visual aspect in shibari


Sound is often overlooked when preparing a Shibari session. However, the right kind of music can either make or break the experience. We go over several aspects that revolve around sound and how these can affect the overall experience.
sound in shibari


Here we are thinking about candles and incense. Think about what you would like to smell during the session and what kind of effect you are looking for. Are you looking for something to calm you down or speed you up?
smell in shibari

Time Frame

When preparing a Shibari session it is important to not only consider the time it takes to do the actual tying, but to also consider the time before tying, the time it takes to untie, and aftercare.
time frame in shibari

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Rope

The first challenge you must tackle in your Shibari path is choosing which rope material is best for you. In reality, there is no "right" kind of rope material for Shibari, it really depends on what you are looking for. We go over the pros and cons of different materials so you can make up your own mind.
choosing rope in shibari

Buying Rope

A full hemp rope kit for Shibari can get quite pricey, but it doesn't have to be! Learn how to do it yourself and not only save money, but also create a unique and powerful connection with your ropes.
shibari rope kit

Extending Rope

You will sometimes run out of rope in the middle of a tie. In these cases, you are going to have to extend the rope by attaching another one. There are several methods to do this. Learn about each one and choose your favorite.
extending rope shibari

Storing Rope

It's important to store your ropes correctly to avoid tangling and have them ready for use whenever you want to tie. This simple method takes less than a minute to tie and is very easy to learn.
storing shibari rope

General Safety Considerations

Practicing Shibari can be fun but it is not without risk. This is a must-view lesson before you begin your Shibari journey to make sure that your sessions are enjoyable and injury-free.
safety in shibari

Physical Condition and Health

It is important to be completely honest with your partner about your physical condition and health before your Shibari session. How is your flexibility? Strength?
physical condition and health in shibari

Avoiding Injuries and Nerves in Shibari

Shibari can be a fun and fulfilling activity but it is not without risk. The best way to mitigate those risks is to understand what they are and what you can do to avoid them.
Injuries and nerves Shibari

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We created a free, safe, judgement-free, inclusive space where our students can share their Shibari journey and learn from each other.
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