Time to tie: 5 -7 minutes
Rope used: One 30 ft rope

Most ties in Shibari can be performed on male and female bodies indifferently. There are no male-specific leg ties nor female-specific double column ties. That would be ridiculous.
However, this rule is bent a little in chest harnesses. Before I continue I want to make clear that all chest harnesses can be tied on male and female bodies alike. That said, most chest harnesses enhance the female curves and use the breasts as support, so tying them on a flat chest might prove challenging.
The Bulldog Chest Harness is the exception that proves the rule. This beautiful and powerful harness is actually easier to tie on flat chests and is a popular choice when tying men. In the pictures above, you can see that my breasts actually get in the way of the ropes laying flat against my chest. This is not an impediment for me wearing this tie, it just simply looks nicer on a flat chest.
I invite you to explore how it feels like to tie both men and women. Because of the way our bodies naturally differ, the experience of tying changes as well. You will find differences not only in the way the ropes sit on the body, but also in the psychological realm of the session. This is an opportunity to celebrate our differences and inspect them even further.
Whether you are a man tying a woman, a woman tying a woman, a woman tying a man, or a man tying a man, I invite you to consider shaking things up a bit. Treat this as an experiment and pay attention to how you react. There are no wrong reactions or feelings, the only thing you must do is be aware of them. What do you like in each case? What do you dislike? If you want to take the exercise even further, you might think about asking yourself why you feel this way.
Answering these questions will take you on a wild ride of self discovery.
Have fun tying!